In cases listed below students DO NOT REGISTER FOR PE COURSES:
- Students who are athletes at a central training level
According to the PE course regulations, the SWFiS Deputy Director (Student Affairs) may award credit for an obligatory PE course to students who are athletes at a central training level (i.e. members of the national team or the world university games team), provided that they submit a certificate confirming their active athlete’s status issued by the relevant Polish sports association. Then, such PE credit is shown in USOSweb in the “Decisions” section (USOSweb → Student’s Section → My Studies → Decisions). Other athletes are invited to attend PE classes.
- Students studying outside Poland
Students studying outside Poland in the given semester can earn credit for an obligatory PE course completed at the place of studying, provided that upon return to Poland they submit a certificate confirming the number of hours, the sports discipline and the semester in which the course was completed to the SWFiS Deputy Director. Then, such PE credit is shown in USOSweb, in the “Decisions” section (USOSweb → Student’s Section → My Studies → Decision) as SWFiS Director’s decision.
The SWFiS Director does not determine the study programme requirements with respect to obligatory PE courses, as these are regulated by the Resolution of the Senate of the University of Warsaw; therefore the SWFiS Director cannot reduce the number of hours of obligatory PE classes for any students.
The SWFiS Director does not exempt students from classes and does not credit the course on the basis of another documents – certificates from clubs, sport memberships cards, any documents confirming sport certificates, receipts and statements concerning regular participation in another sport activities.